Designing and Implementing a Transformative Adaptation of the Husband’s Schools in Niger

The Husbands’ Schools intervention began in Niger in 2007 to encourage men to support women in matters of reproductive health. While the Husband’s Schools strategy, implemented across the majority of regions, has been successful in influencing behaviors related to reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health, like many similar programs, it has so far failed to address entrenched norms related to women’s empowerment (e.g. women’s mobility, joint decision-making, etc.).

EVIHDAF, with support from other Agency for All consortium partners, is leading in Niger, the research and evaluation of this pilot study on a Transformative Adaptation of Husbands Schools. Husbands Schools engage men as model husbands to promote and support women’s use of reproductive health services. Yet deeply entrenched norms and power dynamics remain largely unchanged. We are adapting the Husband’s Schools in Zinder, Niger, to build on the strengths and successes of the program.

Goal and objectives

The aim of this transformative adaptation evaluation is to measure the key results of the re-adapted approach and its effectiveness on the behaviors of participating women and men; in order to gain a better understanding of the changes it has induced as a result of the activities.


In designing and implementing a Transformative Adaptation of the Husbands Schools in Niger, the following phases will be required:

  • Formative research: We will conduct formative research to explore contextual realities specific to social norms, power dynamics and action.
  • Development of Husband School adaptation: Building on the strengths and successes of existing Husbands Schools in Niger, the other consortium partners (Save the Children, Equimundo and Matchboxology) will integrate the principle of local leadership into the program design.
  • Baseline study: We will implement and evaluate the effectiveness of the adapted husband school model and assess its feasibility and potential for scale-up.
  • Pilot intervention: The adapted gender transformative Husband’s Schools intervention will include activities to engage men and women (individually and as couples) while ensuring key community and religious leaders support the initiative.

Study area: Niger: Departments of Magaria and Damagaran Takaya, Zinder region

Duration: 2022-2027

Project partners: Center on Gender Equity and Health, UC San Diego; EVIHDAF, Equimundo, Makerere University, Matchboxology, Save The Children,

Funder: USAID

Targets: 1) Conduct formative research to explore contextual realities specific to social norms, gender equity and action. 2) Develop an adaptation of Husband Schools based on the principles of local leadership. 3) Implement and evaluate the effectiveness of the adapted Husband Schools model, and assess its feasibility and potential for extension.

Projects Activities



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